North Irish Sea Array
NISA was one of four offshore wind projects awarded a contract in the Irish government’s first offshore wind auction in 2023 to develop 500 MW of green energy. The wind farm will have the capacity to power the equivalent of approximately half a million Irish homes.
NISA brings with it an opportunity to significantly contribute to the development of a clean, renewable energy future in Ireland. The project is targeting a planning submission date in 2024, while construction of the farm is expected to start in 2027.
The site of the the wind farm has water depths of up to 60m and is well-suited for bottom fixed foundations. It is expected to include between 35 and 49 wind turbines with a maximum tip height of 316m and will range from 13km to 22km from shore.
Under the Offshore Renewable Energy Support Scheme (O-RESS), the Irish Government requires that all renewable energy projects invest in local areas. NISA will have a Community Benefit Fund of approximately €4 million per annum for 20 years.
Not only will the fund allow communities to develop new and exciting initiatives in their own areas; it can also support existing local amenities and clubs, environmental and energy efficiency schemes, as well as the fishing industry.
Statkraft partnered with Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners’ (CIP) in January of 2023 to develop up to 2.2 gigawatts of offshore wind in Ireland. NISA is one of the projects in this partnership.
Visit the dedicated NISA project website here