Coollegrean wind farm, Ireland
Coole wind farm project
The Coole wind farm project consists of 13 turbines with a maximum tip height of 175m. With a potential capacity of up to 50 MW it would have the capacity to power over 36,000 Irish homes.
Statkraft Ireland achieved planning consent in 2019 for Coole wind farm. This wind farm consists of 13 turbines with a tip height of up to 175m. Its location is centred around peatlands in north County Westmeath, in the hinterland of Coole village.
Revised proposals are currently being brought forward for consideration for this project. These amendments would increase the efficiency and effectiveness of this wind farm by increasing the blade length by 7.5 meters and adding 2 additional turbines. Consent will also be sought for the grid connection which will connect this project to the electricity grid system.
These amendments will increase the potential output of the wind farm from c. 50MW to approximately c. 90MW. The final output will be determined prior to construction. For more detailed information on this wind farm and the new proposal please visit the Coole wind farm project website.

Location of the proposed tubines on Coole wind farm

Coollegrean wind farm, Ireland
Key benfits
- Compromising up to 15 wind turbines with a maximum tip height of 175m
- Onsite substation located adjacent to the R396, near the proposed site entrance
- All cabling will be placed underground
- Statkraft has worked to maximize setback distance to dwelling houses
- Associated works include access tracks, turbine foundations and hardstanding areas, a local borrow pit, drainage works, temporary site compound, underground electrical and communications cables between turbines. An underground cable will connect the project to the existing Mullingar 110kV substation
- Rates payments of c.€540,000 per annum payable to Westmeath County Council
- Local roads will be upgraded
- Approximately 135 jobs created during the construction, operation and maintenance phases of the proposed project

Why Statkraft?
Statkraft is Europe’s largest generator of renewable energy and the leading developer in the European solar market. Having acquired solar pioneer Solarcentury in November 2020, our highly skilled development team operates across 12 countries with a 10GWp pipeline.
Our vision is a world that runs entirely on renewable energy. We believe that renewable energy can power every industry, every business, every community, every home. It can power progress. It can power possibilities. For us to meet growing energy demand, keep our planet’s temperature below breaking point, and close the gap for nearly one billion people in the world who still have no access to electricity, renewable energy can’t be part of the solution - it must be the solution.
When developing a project, Statkraft manage the whole process – from the early stages of community engagement, to submission of a planning application, to financing, construction and operation of the solar energy farm. We will engage with the neighbouring communities in advance of submitting any planning application, and we welcome community suggestions and views.
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Learn more about Statkraft
Our journey so far
Statkraft entered the Irish market in 2018 and since then has tripled both its workforce and development portfolio.
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Statkraft’s strategy: Creating value by enabling a net-zero future
At Statkraft, we have been making renewable energy possible for over a century – energy that the world needs now more than ever.
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Wind power
Wind power is one of the fastest growing energy sources in the world. Statkraft has developed onshore wind power for around 20 years, and is the leading producer in Northern Europe.
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Knockaneden wind farm, Ireland
Coole wind farm external site
Visit the project site of the Coole wind farm project here. Interact with the developers, ask questions and find information about the project, stages and FAQs. You will be sent to an external site.
Visit the external project site here