Acres Wind Farm, Ireland
Acres Wind Farm, Ireland
Derrykillew wind farm project
This proposal is for a 7 turbine wind farm which would provide green energy to over 20,000 Irish houses. The area under consideration is centered around a tract of upland forestry, approximately 2.6 km north of Belleek and 5 km northeast of Ballyshannon.
The area under consideration is centered around a tract of upland forestry, approximately 2.6 km north of Belleek and 5 km northeast of Ballyshannon.
Project status: Advanced stage development

The proposed location of the turbines at Derrykilley wind farm

Coollegrean wind farm, Ireland
Key facts and benefits
- A wind energy development which would complement and benefit the permitted Derrykillew community wind farm.
- It would consist of up to 7 turbines.
- There is potential to add 1 additional turbine to the Community wind farm
- The maximum tip height will be up to 150 m.
- It would have the potential to provide clean green electricity for approx. 20,000 homes.
- There will be an on-site substation.
- Materials will be sourced locally where possible with an on-site borrow pit.
- The provision for a significant community fund which would benefit the wider local area.
- A community investment opportunity with priority for people living within 5 km of the development.
- A fund of approximately €160,000/year will be available for the local area.
- A community investment opportunity for anyone within 10km of the project. Priority for those within 5km.

Knockaneden wind farm, Ireland
Knockaneden wind farm, Ireland
Derrykillew wind farm external site
Visit the project site of the Derrykillew wind farm project here. Interact with the developers, ask questions and find information about the project, stages and FAQs. You will be sent to an external site.
Visit the external project site here