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Wind power

Wind power is one of the easiest ways of generating low-cost electricity from renewable energy sources, and plays an important role in meeting the Ireland's energy needs.

Ireland is one of the selected growth markets for onshore wind, offshore wind and solar power in Statkraft, and further investments in Irish renewables fit well into Statkraft’s growth strategy. 

Statkraft Ireland has been established as part the Statkraft ambition to play an increasing role in decarbonisation. Ireland has an excellent resource in terms of wind energy and therefore as a country, it has a significant opportunity to transition away from fossil fuel based electricity generation through the harnessing of its natural wind resource. Further investments in Irish renewables form part of the Statkraft growth strategy.

Statkraft has developed a competitive position within wind power and has a proven track record of delivering construction projects on cost and time.

Wind farm projects in Ireland

In Ireland, Statkraft has constructed or is constructing a number of onshore wind projects:

Kilathmoy Wind Farm project

The 7 turbine wind farm began operating in April 2020. It has the capacity to produce 11 MW of renewable energy and is located on the border between Limerick and Kerry counties in south-west Ireland.

Man on the top of a wind turbine
Photo: Torbjörn Bergkvist

Service on Stamåsen wind turbine in Sweden

How our wind farms work

Wind turbines produce electricity by converting the kinetic energy of the wind into electrical power. The rotor blades on a wind turbine transfer the power of the wind via a drive shaft to a generator in the nacelle. The rotor blades are adjustable to produce the largest amount of electricity, regardless of whether the wind is blowing hard or gently. Wind turbines are typically placed on hill tops or in coastal areas – places with abundant and stable wind.

Wind power from Statkraft on Vimeo.

Wind turbines in Ireland
Photo: Statkraft

Our wind power ambitions

We exist to lead the shift to a clean energy world. To meet the increased need for renewable energy solutions we are ramping up as a major wind and solar developer. We have built 1.5 gigawatts of wind and solar, and have yet another gigawatt in the pipeline. Our ambition is to develop 3 gigawatts of renewables by 2030.

Read more about our strategic ambitions